Light Therapy for Mood and Sleep Disorders
Light therapy, also called phototherapy, is a way to treat various mood disorders and depression, specifically seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD commonly occurs to people that live in the northern hemisphere during fall and winter months when sunlight is significantly reduced. People that use light therapy to ease symptoms of SAD sit next to a bright light that mimics natural outdoor sunlight.
According to the Mayo Clinic, light therapy can be quite successful in treating a number of mood and sleep disorders including:
Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD
Nonseasonal types of depression
Sleep disorders
Adjustment to night work schedules
Phototherapy is thought to successfully treat these disorders by affecting chemicals in the brain which are linked to mood and sleep. Light therapy is also used to treat many different skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis although those UV phototherapy lamps are different from light therapy lamps for SAD.
Light therapy lamps for mood and depression should filter out UV wavelengths which can damage your skin and eyes. Some people may think that using a tanning bed is good enough to treat seasonal and nonseasonal depression, although this is a myth. Tanning beds are not an alternative to phototherapy lamps and will increase your chances of developing skin cancer.
Reasons You May Want to Try Phototherapy
Phototherapy can provide many benefits to improve symptoms of SAD, depression and sleep problems. It is a good idea to talk with your doctor about light therapy and the reasons why you’d like to try it. Be sure to purchase a quality phototherapy lamp designed to treat the symptoms you desire and be aware of any risks involved.
You may want to try light therapy for many reasons such as:
Your doctor recommends light therapy for seasonal depression
Your doctor recommends combining light therapy with antidepressants
You need to avoid taking antidepressants During pregnancy or breast-feeding
Light therapy is safe with few side effects
Phototherapy can provide many benefits when used in combination with antidepressants and or psychological counseling. If you experience side effects they usually do not last long and may include mild symptoms such as:
Agitation or irritability
Manic or euphoric state associated with bipolar disorder
Talk with your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms or have concerns about light therapy affecting your thoughts or mood such as experiencing mania or hyperactivity. It is important to talk with your doctor about using light therapy for mood and sleep disorders, especially if you have any conditions that make your skin or eyes sensitive to light. Some anti-inflammatory medications and antibiotics can increase sensitivity to sunlight along with some herbal supplements like St. John’s Wort.
LightSources offers high quality phototherapy lamps which are designed to treat specific medical conditions. Our high-tech lighting engineers design custom light therapy lamps and specialty phosphor blends to treat various mood and sleep disorders as well as various skin and medical conditions. Contact us to learn more about light therapy lamps designed to treat mood and sleep disorders.